Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Get Wifi Anywhere

Wifi is delicious, so I'm going to show you how to get your hands on it for free (mostly).

1.Search for wifi on your device
2.Look for the following host names as they are the most abundant in Korea
3.Try the password(s) as shown and most of the time it should work (case-sensitive)


Wifi Spot Password
KT SSID , KT_WLAN 1234567890 | 123456789a | 1234567890c
HellowD (헬로우 디), Hellowireless, SO070VOIP 534f4b4354
Tbroadnet 123456789
Egg 택시 (taxi) SHOW3382
KWI-B2200T, KWI-2200 SHOW3382 | password
myLGnet, myLG070 123456789a | 987654321a | 1234567890 | myLGNetfe07
SK a123456789
Tbroadnet a123456789
세븐일레븐 (7-Eleven) 2127393302
맥도날드 (McDonalds) 16005252 (McDonald’s delivery phone number)
스타벅스 (Starbucks) Phone number of the starbucks you’re at (see receipt)
tobis 1234
iptime, anygate, zio, linksys no default passwords :(